Monday, October 21, 2013

Dead Polonius

As the large closing night party which was the final time all the actors and majority of the production staff would be together a startling realization came to light when Michael Broh saw his 2013 Production Assistants at the Shed that night...

During the Strike of R&G a certain prop may or may not have ridden down the hill on fancy in a folding chair...

And when said prop may or may not have made it down the hill it may or may not have found a way into Bravo...

And when said prop may or may not have made it into Bravo it may or may not have ended up in Michael Broh's office...

And in Michael Broh's office the said prop may or may not have sat down in the exit interview chair and filled out an exit interview form... Pen in hand...

And here for your entertainment is what that sheet may or may not have said:

And in early in morning the next day when Michael Broh discovered a certain prop that may or may not have been in his exit interview chair, he may or may not have let out a blood curdling scream that alerted the rest of Bravo as to what may or may not have been in his office...

He may or may not have thought it was a brilliant prank and may or may not have had a few choice words on that account... 

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