Friday, August 30, 2013

This week so far has been slow and restful after the stressfulness of the last two show day for me. Last weekend went off without any hitches but it was a great amount of running around. That was the way the entire weekend went and is expected to go again this weekend. With some changeovers that we aren't use to tensions were a little heightened and we took a little longer than usual.

With only one up the hill show tuesday through thursday a temporary reprieve from shows has opened up the production crew to help out some in some places that I hadn't yet had to deal with.

Namely on tuesday we came in early about 9 o'clock to help company management clear out some apartments and organize storage in preparation for the influx of unused company property. It's exactly what it seems like, we turned into a moving company. We took out some company vehicles and cleared two apartments of all the furniture and belongs. It was estimated that it might take two days but we finished in a few hours.

Another responsibility that has come to light is the maintenance of set pieces. Specifically the sets that have been in use all summer like Two Gents and Husbands that have gotten some miles on them. Husbands has 4 large series of flats that fit together to create buildings. With the constant strangeness of the weather the warping of the flats and the constant shifting of the pack have caused some of the muslin to tear and need staples or a pair a flats to be muscled into place. For Two Gents finagling the bridge and deck pieces has become something of an art in and of itself. The combination of coffin locking warped decking together takes a lot fudging and the combination of wood and steel and bolts on the bridge are never consistent.

The Hamlet and R&G wall  had been particularly frustrating as of late. Specifically making the bolts between the wall pieces and the trusses. The trusses are not even kept in the clubhouse and as such are subject to the full fury of the elements. So the heat swelling of the truss (particularly the stage right truss piece) has warped the straight truss into a bowed line. I had to bore out some holes to make sure the connecting bolts could be made.

Other than that it's been a good few days, shows running smoothly. I have 4 shows this weekend and I had A&C and Molly tonight. A&C is starting to hit a stride the past few runs (it runs again tomorrow). We have a hard few changeovers but then we have the break.

It's going to be interesting for me to start school over the break because I'll have to find new balance between everything. More on that later.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you are getting your fill of ALL the areas in tech land.... I have been to see shows at APT but it's been years since I've had a chance to do the backstage tour.... the last time I did the shops were pretty much in tents and an old shed and all the scenery was stored under tarps! Of course that was WAY before they had the indoor theatre or any real shop spaces. I worked at Utah Shakespeare before coming to UWM and most of their scenery was stored in the stagehouse between shows to protect it from the weather...of course,they have a more traditional "house" with a reproduction stage of the Globe so they tended to set the scene with lots of props and a scenic piece or two.... and we had changeovers from hell getting warped stairs to fit into the superstructure...and that was in Utah where it never rains....we did have heat though. This summer in Wisconsin has been unusual with different weather/ heat/ cold / rain. I suppose it is difficult to engineer something to accommodate all possibilities but I would be interested if you would have done anything different? How could any of the problems have been prevented/ anticipated?
